Thursday, June 14, 2012

It's a boy!!!

I have a SONshine, the love of my life. He came to this world 5 years ago and became everything for me and my husband. Everything we do, we do for our SONshine, our precious Anthony.

I always wanted a baby girl. Had a name picked up, had plans made for her. So, when we found out we were having a boy, we could not believe it. It was something we didn't even consider!!! LOL. Ok, I cried right there, in the doctor's office when I heard the news. (blushing).

I remember going straight to the mall after the doctor's visit and buying tons of baby boy clothes. I came home,  put the tiny outfits on the floor to make a circle, sat inside of that circle and thought: "Ok, boys' clothes can be as cute as girls'". So funny! But that was the first step loving the idea of having a little boy, a little SONshine.

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