Friday, June 15, 2012

First days are no fun!

When Anthony was born, I didn't fall in love with him right away. I guess, I am not one of the majority of moms who claim it was love from the first sight. I know, that's what every mom is expected to say, to do... It wasn't me. I was annoyed and irritated. Maybe it was because I was still under drugs (I had a c-cection), maybe something else. But I WAS VERY IRRITATED. I do believe I am not the only one feeling that way, but no one wants to admit they didn't love their child from the moment they saw him. It took me a while to get used to my new life. I cried every single day. I was tired and exhausted. Me and my husband do not have family here, in the US, so it wasn't like we could call a grandma and ask her to come help. We were all by ourselves.
Anthony cried a lot. We lived in an apartment complex with many maintenance issues. That July of 2007 we had no AC (it's Georgia in July!!! 105 F), and the elevator was broken (we lived on the 2nd floor, and it was a nightmare for me to take the baby and the stroller downstairs after the c-cection). So, Anthony cried. And because he cried, I cried. And feeling my frustration, he cried even more. I was tired, sleep deprived and unhappy. They call it "Postpartum Depression".
My friends and hubby were great. One Monday my good friend Loreen came over and told me to get dressed. "We're going out for lunch!" - she said. "With the baby?" - I gasped. "Everyone is taking babies everywhere now" - she wouldn't take a "no" for an answer. So we went to a mexican restaurant. I even had a margarita! (she was driving). That was the first time I felt much better.
My dear friend Loreen at the hospital. Anthony is one day old
My best friend Katya with Anthony (2 weeks old)

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